
Showing posts from July, 2018

Spiral orchards

Hello class, today i'm going to write about this picture and its story. It was in september of the past year, when we do a workshop about spiral orchards in our school (FACSO). The orchards of this type, as the name implies, are built following the spiral pattern, which is one of the patterns with which "builds" the nature. The spiral garden technique allows the coexistence of different species, usually in a small piece of land, but it can also be in large swaths of land, in which we can combine different species of plants that, in other conditions, for reasons of needs of soil, sun, shade, drainage, etc, could not coexist. I remember that day with a special feeling for several reasons. First, because the workshop had a good reception in the FACSO community, convoking professors, students, workers and people from outside the university. Secondly, because we could learn a bit more about nature, connecting with the earth and with our own inner nature. Finally, this ty...

My favourite piece of technology

According wikipedia, "a bicycle, also called a cycle or bike, is is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single- track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. " For me, it is one of the technologies I love the most!  I remember perfectly when it came to me. It was for my 22° birthday when my dad decided to give it to me. And from there I did not get off until - here comes the sad part - I was spoiled a few months ago and since then I have not been able to use it. When I was good, I used it every day to transport myself to and from university. I also used it to recreate myself, to go see my friends, to do any kind of paperwork, etc.   I like bicycicle and I have chosen it as my preferred technology for three reasons: First, because I have a good time riding a bicycle and it helps me to channel and keep my energy moving. Secondly, because I exercise and that way I keep in shape. And, thirdly, because it is an ecological and efficient means of tr...